IANA partnered with Faith in MN in order to engage the local community and member mosques to complete their civic duties and claim their voices around the issues that matter. Some of those issues include ending islamophobia, mass incarceration, immigration reform, economy, and climate justice. We also conducted several training programs and mobilized many of our members to become senate district and state delegates. We have participated in many forums with candidates to build powerful public relationships and start a co-creative relationship to shape the future we need in Minnesota. We created campaigns to do pledge drives at our mosques during Fridays and contacted thousands of Muslims through phone and text banks. We also hired, trained, and developed Muslim and Somali canvassers to do door knocking and help get people to the polls. We had several of our Imams hold a press conferences on the importance of engagement and standing for our issues and values. We continue to partner up with community partners in order to ensure a more just and equitable society.
IANA cohosted a press conference and rally for Minnesotans to stand together against fear and divisive attacks on Somali community and Immigrants.
On behalf of IANA and Muslim Community Imam Hassan shared a uniting message through the rally. Imam Hassan said “Every election there is a playbook used by some politicians. The playbook is to use Muslims, Somalis, refugees, immigrants as scapegoat in order to divide people by what they look like or where they came from instead of offering solutions that could help all our families. We Minnesotans are greater than fear and together we make Minnesota”. Imam Hassan emphasized on the importance of Minnesotans coming together to against hate, he added, "We know that most Minnesotans know that we are better off together. That, together, we make Minnesota. We, in Minnesota, are greater than fear. From Cedar-Riverside, to the Mendota Heights, to Moorhead, we will call on all of us to reject this political playbook for once and for all. And we, here, will play our part."