IANA is very much involved in advocacy. We have co-organized with the Muslim American Society, Muslim Day at the Capital on a local level here in Minnesota and taken part in the USCMO’s National Muslim Advocacy Day in D.C. As for the Muslim Day at the Capitol in Minnesota, there were appointments set up for the public to be able to meet with their representative, 50 different representatives and senators met with individuals and listened to the issues that were important to them and what bills they agreed with.
Religious leaders from IANA advocated for the greater population of Muslims in Minnesota who could not have their voices heard. Last year's event (2018) in D.C with the United States Council of Muslim Organization was attended by more than 450 delegates from 31 states who met with nearly 250 congressional offices. Muslim delegates participating in last year's advocacy day event met with one-third of the House of Representatives and almost half of the Senate. We have been partaking in this for the past several years.