Announcing Eid Al-Fitr - 2021!


Announcing Eid Al-Fitr - 2021!

EID Mubarak! 

May 11, 2021-Statement of the Islamic Association of North America (IANA) regarding Eid-al- Fitr in the year 1442 AH corresponding to 2021 CE.

In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful All thanks to Allah, the lord of both worlds, and may prayers and peace be upon our prophet, Muhammad the Chosen One upon  his family and companions, and peace to all.

 The Islamic Association of North America announces that the crescent of the month of Shawwal cannot be seen in all the countries that we have communicated with, including the countries of the Islamic world, and therefore Wednesday will be the completion of the blessed month of Ramadan, and Thursday, May 13, 2021 will be the first day of Shawwal and Eid al-Fitr.

Therefore, we congratulate the Muslims on entering the blessed Eid al-Fitr occasion, asking the Lord to accept from us the righteous deeds, just as we ask him to lift the affliction and the plague from us, restore the nation's glory. We ask Allah to give victory to our Palestinian brothers and sisters, he is the guardian of that and the one who is capable of it.

Finally: We would like to remind you that we must maintain the unity of the Ummah. We ask Allah to accept our fasting and the good deeds. May this special day brings peace, happiness and prosperity to everyone. Eid Mubarak! 

Fiqi Committee


IANA Fatwa Committee


بيان الجمعية الإسلامية في شمال أمريكا بخصوص عيد الفطر المبارك سنة ١٤٤٢هـ الموافق ٢٠٢١مـ.


.الحمدلله وكفى والصلاة والسلام على نبيه المصطفى وعلى آله وصحبه وسلّم اجمعين، و بعد:


تعلن الجمعية الإسلامية في شمال أمريكا أنه تعذر رؤية هلال شهر شوال في جميع الدول التي تواصلنا معها بما في ذلك دول العالم الإسلامي، وعليه سيكون يوم الأربعاء متمماً لشهر رمضان المبارك، ويوم الخميس 13 مايو أول أيام عيد الفطر.

وعليه نهنئ للأمة الاسلامية بدخول مناسبة عيد الفطر المبارك سائلين المولى أن يتقبل منّا صالح الأعمال، كما نسأله ان يرفع عنّا البلاء والوباء ويعيد للأمة مجدها وان ينصر أخواننا الفلسطينيين إنه ولي ذلك والقادر عليه.

أخير:  نودّ ان نذكّر أنه يجب علينا جمع الكلمة والائتلاف لجميع المسلمين في أقطار العالم، ونرجو من جميع الجهات المختصة الحذر

من الإختلاف والتفرّق والله يهدي  الى سواء السبيل

!عيدكم مبارك

اللجنة الإفتاء.




Jimciyada Islaamiga ee Waqooyiga Ameerika (IANA) waxay ogaysiinaysaa Muslimiinta Waqooyiga Ameerica in ciidu ay tahay Khamiista, kadib markii bishii laga arki waayey meelo badan oo caalamka Islaamka  ka mid t. Sidaa daraadeed waxaa la dhamaystirayaa Sodonka (30) ka Ramadaan, ciiduna waxay noqonaysaa insha allaah, Khamiista May 13, 2021oo ku beegan Shawwal 1, 1442H.

Waxaan ugu hambalyeynaynaa ummada Muslimiinta ciida nagu soo beegan, waxaana Ilaahay  ka baryeynaa inuu naga aqbalo acmaasha wanaagsan ee aan samaynay, sidoo kale illaahay waxaan waydiisanaynaa inuu naga korqaado waxkasta oo dhib iyo xanuunka Covid-19. Waxaan ka baryeynaa illaahay inuu u gargaaro walaalaheena reer Falastiin, isaga kaliya ayaa awooda. 

Waxaan xasuusinaynaa ummada muslimiinta in la ilaaliyo midnimadda laga fogaado waxkasta oo khilaaf keeni kara. CIID WANAAGSAN!

Gudiga fatwada ee IANA.



Eid Mubarak! May Allah accept our good deeds and keep us firm on our faith. 

During this blessed time, we must remember to be cautious of COVID-19 guidelines to ensure the safety of our community. Do not host large gatherings if possible and if you must please host outside, keep a 6 foot distance from people you do not live with.

If you are not yet vaccinated and are hosting a gathering, gather in an area with good ventilation and keep a guest list in case someone tests positive for COVID-19. All attendees should keep good hygiene, keep a six foot distance, wear a mask. and get tested five days after attending a large gathering. 

If you are sick, waiting for COVID-19 test results, or were in close contact of someone who has COVID-19, stay home and do not attend a social gathering.

If you have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and it has been at least two weeks since the final dose of vaccine (enough time for your body to develop immunity), you have good protection against illness for yourself.

Even if you are vaccinated wear a mask when gathering with anyone who is unvaccinated or when visiting a household with anyone at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. You can gather indoors with smaller groups of fully vaccinated people without wearing a mask. Avoid larger gatherings. You can gather indoors with unvaccinated people from one other household (for example, visiting with relatives who all live together) without masks. Do not visit people who have an increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19. You can gather with others outdoors without wearing a mask except in crowded settings and venues, such as sporting events, outdoor concerts, or other places where you cannot stay 6 feet from others and you are with people you don’t know. 

Please remember these guidelines while celebrating this joyous holiday! 

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